Saturday, March 31, 2012

Describe your favorite part. Make a prediction about what will happen next.

Bella's Proposal Acceptance
In chapter 20, "Compromise"
Edward picks up Bella for her alleged two-day visit with Alice. They're excited to spend time alone together before the fight. Edward gives Bella a hand-me-down from his mother: a heart-shaped crystal that she fastens to the bracelet with Jacob's miniature wolf figurine.
Bella has finally decided which human experience she's going to insist on before her transformation: she wants Edward to make love to her. He rejects her request.
"Later, when you're less breakable" (20.139). She breaks down crying:
"But that's the problem. It won't be the same when I'm less breakable. It won't be the same! I don't know who I'll be then." (20.140)
After much bartering back and forth, Edward promises that they will try, but that she has to marry him first, because he wants to protect his and her virtue in case he has a soul and therefore a shot at heaven. Bella thinks the time is now and that he's just trying to force her to marry him sooner.
Edward promises that it doesn't have to be a big production. He suggests running off to Vegas. He shows his ring to her. Bella finally agrees to marry Edward after a long discussion about demands, immortality, and the losing of one's virtue. It's also a hand-me-down from his mother. He convinces Bella to put it on and it fits like a charm!
And how else could it be – Edward gets down to his knees and proposes. Of course, Bella says the right word: "Yes!"

Edward Proposing to Bella. This scene was absolutely beautiful. This scene was all about them. When Edward gave Bella the heart charm, the scene is amazing nonetheless. The emotion in the scene was building and flowing and that’s one element that I loved. 

I loved how Edward explained how he’s from a different era. I love how he told her the steps in which he would have made her his if they were living in his time. “I would have courted you. We would have taken chaperoned strolls and had ice tea on the porch. I may have stolen a kiss or two. But only after asking your father’s permission… I would have gotten down on one knee and would have presented you with a ring…” I absolutely loved it. And after Bella accepted Edward’s proposal, she jumped into his arms and he spun her around and embraced her…I could not have asked for a better and more touching proposal.

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